Friday, December 2, 2011

Drugs to Fast Food

Some consumers would like to compare fast food to drugs on how much both cost and on the effects on the human body. Most drugs are expensive, like cigarettes. A pack of cigarettes, in the state of Georgia, cost $5.29; the cost varies state-to-state. In personal experience I have known people to go through a couple of packs a day, so about $74.06 a week at two packs a day. A Big Mac from McDonalds cost about the same as a pack of cigarettes. Eating a Big Mac every day and if the consumer has a family then the price goes higher than the price of cigarettes making fast food the same, or more, expensive than drugs. In a post from a mother with a family of six, has done her own comparison on how fast food and drugs are linked. Her first way of linking the two is that they both create uncontrollable eating habits. In a way I do agree with this. When people think of something they want and are fixated on that certain object, they cannot help themselves but just to go out and get what is on their mind. From earlier, drugs also release a kind of fake endorphins into the blood stream giving that relaxed feeling, this is the kind of endorphin that people can get addicted to. With health effects they may differ on the kind of drug and also drugs will kill you faster but both are even in the severity of the side effects.

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